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All in one place: Brazilian Legal and Legislative Information Portal

por João Lima publicado 09/09/2009 08h55, última modificação 09/01/2017 13h58


Computer controlled legal and legislative information in Brazil was born in the 1970s.  From then onwards, a series of different databases were developed by different government entities.

Almost forty years later, Portal LexML Brasil was launched; its aim was to unify, organize and facilitate the access to legislative and legal information made available in digital form by several bodies of the Executive, Legislative and Judiciary, the Office of the Federal Solicitor General (AGU), and the Office of the General Prosecutor, at the federal, state, municipal, and Federal District levels.

The work was developed with basis on the information already released to the general public, the adoption of an improved process of generation of new information, and the ongoing concern to preserve digital information in a centralized form and make it available to the general public in an efficient way.

It must be emphasized that the Portal is a result of the political and administrative wills of different bodies of the federal, state, municipal, and Federal District governments that made this achievement possible.  

 Portal LexML Brasil was officially launched on June 30th, 2009, with an initial collection of 1.2 million documents included by the Office of the Federal Solicitor General (AGU); the State Legislative Assembly of Minas Gerais; the House of Representatives; the National Justice Board; the Superior Board of Labor Justice (CSJT); the Office of the Comptroller General (CGU);  the National Press;  the São Carlos Town Council (SP), the Office of the Federal Prosecutor-General;  the Federal Senate;  the Higher Court of Justice (STJ); the Supreme Federal Court (STF); the Brazilian Court of Audit (TCU); the Higher Labor Court (TST); and the Higher Electoral Court (TSE).  The other Government bodies are expected to adhere to the project. 

The new Portal of Legislative and Legal Information Network provides an immediate access to the several sources of Brazilian legislative and juridical information.  The Portal address is http://www.lexml.gov.br.



Translated from Portuguese by Maria Isabel Taveira (Translation Service of Brazil Federal Senate)



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